Our planet is a fantastic oasis, that with good care, can provide for everyone´s needs over long term. But nowadays, humanity lives as if there were two planets at its disposal. The speed with which we use, waste and pollute water, the air and ecosystems, does not let time to the planet to regenerate itself. At the same time, the scramble for resources, especially for land in developing countries, is a driving factor of poverty, hunger and inequalities.  Explore what is happening to our food system and how to act and send signals for change!

Why is biodiversity key today to feed ourselves tomorrow?

Find out how you can add more biodiversity to our plates!

What is wasted when we waste food?

Find out how to be a food saver and protect our natural resources.

How is family farming threatened by the global increase in meat consumption?

Find out how a little can do a lot in fighting climate change.

How cheap snacks get very costly for our planet?

Find out how we can all easily help save rainforests.


European Year for Development
Czech Development Agency

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