Students of Valletta Kindergarten were indeed creative and interested in the food issues they were working on throughout the We Eat Responsibly project. They managed to film their own movie and then broadly distribute the DVDs to inform other people. The school also cooperated with the Local Council to educate their parents and the citizens of Valletta about palm oil, meat consumption, and other issues. They also established their own garden where they learned how to take care of plants.

An important staff session

Firstly, in a session that was held at the school, the staff members in Valletta Kindergarten discussed the key issues related to responsible consumption. It was an important part of their professional development to be able to integrate this new knowledge in their lessons and teach the students about food issues.

Food miles – in a movie

The children in Valletta Kindergarten were already very creative from the beginning. Their teachers first focused on the issue of food miles and discussed this topic with them. They all shared their thoughts, and during this session have realized that all of the ideas were really interesting. So with this in mind, they decided to create a basic storyline and script for a movie.

Their own DVD

After the script was ready, the preparations could begin. The children worked hard on the props and costumes for the movie, and discussed in detail the possible venues for filming around the school. The process was not easy, but finally, they made and produce their own movie. The final DVD was then distributed among all parents. Students and teachers also decided to post this movie online for everyone to watch. Thanks to that, they were able to spread their message about the issue of food miles, not only among their parents and local community, but to many more people.

The 450th Anniversary of Valletta

On the day of the 450th Anniversary commemoration of Valletta, the Kindergarten and the Valletta Local Council together held several activities to inform parents and other people about responsible consumption ideas and food issues. At the commemoration event, parents could buy meals and learn more about issues such as food miles, palm oil, meat consumption and food diversity. There were also many educational games focused on food issues that parents and pupils enjoyed to play.

School garden

The kids also established a kitchen garden at their school. First, a professional held an awareness session to teach them about local vegetables, and ways how to plant different seeds and take care of the plants. Pupils then discussed the possibilities and then decided which plants they want to grow in their garden. They also had to clean the whole area for the future garden.

Rain water

Together, the children and the teachers planted seeds they purchased or obtained and made sure that plants had enough water and nutrients. Water was very important question for them, because in the garden they have no well. So, they decided to build two tanks in which they could collect rainwater. And when the season came, they could finally collect all the fruit (and vegetables) of their work.

Pupils of Valletta Kindergarten learned a lot about food issues. They proved that they are very creative and curious, and also managed to inform others about the topic of meat production, consumption, and the impact of food in general.