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Internation Forum Menu for Change video Ġust u lokali Il-bijodiversità Il-ħela tal-ikel Il-konsum tal-laħam Konsum responsabbli sistemi tal-ikel Soil Żejt tal-Palm

The international Forum for Change Menu took place at Impact Hub in Prague from October 21st to October 23rd, 2016. The event was organized by Glopolis as part of the educational project Menu for Change, which is focused on responsible food consumption. The Forum was attended by 120 lecturers and teachers from many countries who help both students and adults understand the impacts of our food on humanity and our planet.

Stampi u simboli tal-konsum responsabbli tal-ikel

Dawn l-istampi u s-simboli li jirrappreżentaw is-sitt temi tal-konsum responsabbli tal-ikel huma addattati għan-notice boards tal-iskola u jistgħu jintużaw b'mod kreattiv waqt il-lezzjonijiet. Jekk issibuhom ta' għajnuna, niżżluhom!

Powster 'Kalendarju: Il-Ħaxix Staġjonali f'Malta' pdf

Wara riċerka mill-istudenti tal-Iskola St Michael, dan il-powster sar biex jagħti linji gwida dwar il-ħaxix li tista' ssib fil-gżejjer Maltin u jekk jitkabbrux hawn Malta jew le.

Justice, Democracy and Diversity in Our Food System pdf

What are the main problems of our current food system? What steps must be taken to ensure adequate food to everyone? You will find out in this important paper on food security by CONCORD (European confederation of Relief and Development NGOs).

Fuljett 'Riċetti Tajbin għas-Saħħa għal Ikel b'Responsabbiltà pdf

Wara l-linji gwida ta' Nieklu b'Responsabbiltà, l-Iskola Primarja taż-Żurrieq ġabret għadd ta' riċetti f'fuljett li tqassam mal-familji tal-istudenti u mal-komunità.

Let's Talk About Soil video Soil

Soil is one of the most precious natural resources and there can be no life without it. Yet more than 20 billion tons of fertile soil is lost every year. How is it possible? Watch this beautifly animated video by IASS Potsdam to find out!

Kanzunetta 'L-Ekokodiċi Nieklu b'Responsabbiltà' link

Il-Kumitat tal-EkoSkola tal-Iskola Primarja ta' Birżebbuġa ddeċieda li l-kitba ta' kanzunetta dwar prattiki ta' kif nieklu b'responsabbiltà jkun mezz tajjeb biex tinxtered il-kelma.

From Uniformity to Diversity pdf sistemi tal-ikel

What negative outcomes are generated by "industrial agriculture"? Why are our food systems unsustainable? And can agroecological systems feed everyone in a long term? Published by iPES FOOD

Vidjow 'Food Miles' video

Is-sezzjoni tal-Kindergarten tal-Iskola Primarja tal-Belt Valletta ddeċidiet li tipproduċi vidjow qasir li jispjega fil-mod sempliċi tat-tfal it-tifsira ta' food miles.

Soil Atlas pdf Soil

The Soil Atlas 2015 provides insights into the current state of the soils on which we depend and highlights the threats posed to them in numerous illustrations and texts. It also supports citizens to make informed decisions, and sketches out pathways to a responsible agriculture and soils policy. Published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung and IASS Potsdam.


European Year for Development
Czech Development Agency

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