10 Jan

Menu for Change International Forum 2018

FORUM MENU FOR CHANGE LET’S REGENERATE THE EARTH with HEADS, HEARTS and HANDS Eco-schools gathering on 26-28 January 2018 in Prague We Eat Responsibly Forum Menu for Change Let´s Regenerate the Earth with heads hearts and hands will gather Eco-schools teachers from nine European countries, food and farming experts and educators. The Forum will celebrate positive […]

28 Feb

Orange Juice, an Acid Reality - a Documentary Film

A glass of fresh orange juice in the morning is a symbol of an excellent start to the day for many of us. This delicious drink is popular everywhere in the world, including France. The documentary film by Meriem Lay asks whether there isn’t a much more acidic reality behind television adds depicting farmers literally […]

23 Feb

Foundation for Environmental Education Fest

One of oldest and largest Maltese environmental NGOs, Nature Trust Malta, organised a 3-day event at the newly built Kirkop Middle School, giving students and teachers an opportunity to learn about the various programmes of the Foundation for Environmental Education global network. They had a chance to develop ideas for cross-curricular work and to obtain information about different sustainability […]

30 Nov

Recycling everything is a way to battle climate change

Pascal Gbenou is a farmer, educator and activist from Benin. He leads the Regional Organisation for Cooperation among Rice Farmers of West Africa, a union that attempts to negotiate with different rice production stakeholders to make the crop sustainable and profitable. With his colleagues, he has run two agriculture schools for more than 24 years. […]

22 Nov

Having your own seed means independence

Shiba Desor is an Indian researcher focusing on environmental issues. As both a researcher and activist she has been involved in the conservation of forests under the care of  local communities. For the past few years she has been interested in human’s life-long relationship with food. Recently, she and three other colleagues published a book about […]

16 Nov

We need to fundamentally transform our food system

We bring you an interview with Su-Ming Khoo, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland’s School of Political Science and Sociology who participated in the International Forum Menu for Change. In her research she focuses, for example, on human rights, alternative economics, consumer activism and sustainable development. The video recording of the interview can […]

4 Nov

Teachers from nine European countries meet in Prague

The international Forum for Change Menu took place at Impact Hub in Prague from October 21st to October 23rd, 2016. The event was organized by Glopolis as part of the educational project Menu for Change, which is focused on responsible food consumption. What should we eat now and in the future to feed ourselves and […]

22 Sep

Menu for Change International Forum

By 2050 our world will have to feed 10 billion people although it is already struggling with a changing climate and questionable economic and political paradigms. How can it be done without worsening living conditions of people, and causing further depletion of natural resources?

We are wondering what is happening to our world, while we know that as citizens of economically developed countries we consume by far most of its resources and are making the world follow our path.

Let’s ask how can we regenerate the Planet and societies. Let´s look for what can help us embracing complexities, in order to be able to bring positive changes. The international Forum Menu for Change will gather European Eco-School teachers and civil society representatives to think and experience together how to work with big questions of our times and integrate them in our daily practice of education and awareness raising.

13 Sep

Ekoġnien f'Kindergarten fir-Rumanija Ġust u lokali Il-bijodiversità sistemi tal-ikel

Tfal mill-Kindergarten f’Cosoveni, ir-Rumanija, imsejħin “Id-Dniefel Żgħar” tgħallmu kif ikabbru t-tadam tagħhom fi flixkien tal-plastik użati. It-tfal kellhom iċ-ċans biex jaħdmu fil-ħamrija u jiskopru kif jitkabbar l-ikel tagħhom. Waħda għalliema għallmet lit-tfal kif iħawlu ekoġnien li jista’ jiddendel. Flimkien magħha t-tfal għamlu toqob fuq naħa waħda ta’ fliexken tal-plastik tal-ħames litri u żergħu fihom żerriegħa […]

12 Sep

Kaxxa bil-Ġuħ' fi skola Ċeka Il-ħela tal-ikel

L-iskola primarja “Trávník” fi Přerov hija waħda mill-iskejjel Ċeki li daħlu għall-proġett ‘Nieklu b’Responsabbiltà’. Ekotim lokali, magħmul minn studenti u għalliema, għażel il-ħela ta’ ikel bħala t-topik ewlieni, u ddeċieda li jġib bidla reali fl-iskejjel tagħhom. Fil-kantin tal-iskola, l-istudenti poġġew ‘kaxxa bil-ġuħ’ fejn fiha setgħu jitfgħu l-ikel li ma ttikilx, bħal frott, jogurt u ħelu. […]


European Year for Development
Czech Development Agency

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